Cox Releases New TV Ad: “Proud”

Ad highlights Cox’s record on immigration and veterans

August 26, 2020

Cox Releases New TV Ad: “Affordable”

Today, TJ Cox for Congress, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) launched a new television ad, “Proud.” The ad contrasts David Valadao’s devastating record as a “yes man” for Donald Trump, voting 21 times against the DREAM Act and staying silent as Trump separated families at the border, with TJ Cox’s record of fighting the cruel policies of the Trump administration.

The ad will air on Spanish language broadcast in the Fresno and Bakersfield markets and streaming online throughout California’s 21st Congressional District.


The Ad:

V/O: In Washington, David Valadao sided with Donald Trump ninety eight percent of the time — making our life harder. Opposing the DREAM Act. Even allowing Trump to separate families.

Valadao’s for Trump — not us.

TJ Cox is the proud son of hard-working immigrants. Cox fought against Trump’s cruel policies, then worked with Republicans and Democrats to provide legal status to immigrants brought here as children, including soldiers who serve in the U.S. military.

COX: I’m TJ Cox and I approved this message.

En Español:

VO: En Washington, David Valadao se puso del lado de Donald Trump el noventa y nueve por ciento del tiempo – haciendo nuestra vida más difícil. Oponiéndose al DREAM Act. Permitiendo que Trump siga separando familias. 

Valadao esta con Trump – no con nosotros. 

TJ Cox es un orgulloso hijo de inmigrantes trabajadores. Cox luchó contra las políticas crueles de Trump, luego trabajó con Republicanos y Demócratas para proporcionar estatus legal a los inmigrantes traídos aquí como niños. 

COX: Soy TJ Cox y apruebo este mensaje. 

TJ Cox is running for reelection to Congress in California’s 21st District. He is a family man, engineer and small businessman with a passion for community development. TJ is married to Kathleen Murphy, MD, a pediatric intensive care physician. They are the proud parents of four children.