TJ Cox Releases New TV Ad: “Carlos”

October 19, 2020

Today, TJ Cox for Congress released a new ad, “Carlos.” The ad exposes David Valadao’s voting record in Congress: 99% of the time with Donald Trump. 

The ad sets the record straight: David Valadao voted against DREAMers. It verifies the facts: In Congress, TJ Cox stands up to Donald Trump and always protects DREAMers. 

TJ Cox always puts the people of the Central Valley first, and unlike David Valadao who agrees with Donald Trump that our heroes are suckers and losers, he respects the soldiers serving in the US military. 

“Carlos” will air on broadcast in the Fresno and Bakersfield markets and streaming online throughout California’s 21st Congressional District.

The Ad

CARLOS: Ay algo que deben de saber: David Valadao no es nuestro amigo.

Votó con Donald Trump el 99% del tiempo. Votó en contra el Dream Act.

Yo apoyo a TJ Cox, un amigo verdadero.

TJ se opuso a las políticas malas de Donald Trump; lo protegió a los DREAMers.

Incluyendo a los soldados que sirven en el ejército de los Estados Unidos.

Votamos por TJ Cox.

COX: Soy TJ Cox, y apruebo este mensaje.

TJ Cox is running for reelection to Congress in California’s 21st District. He is a family man, engineer, and small businessman with a passion for community development. TJ is married to Kathleen Murphy, MD, a pediatric intensive care physician. They are the proud parents of four children.